Family duo Tony and Reese Hamby named MDC Southeast Regional Loggers of the Year

News from the region
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CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. – The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) has awarded father and son duo, Tony and Reese Hamby of Annapolis, Mo., as Southeast Regional Loggers of the Year.

“I have worked with Tony and Reese on numerous timber sales over the past several years, on both public and private land,” said Jarred Costephens, MDC forester. “I am amazed at the level of skill they demonstrate and the effort they devote to minimizing damage, often sacrificing production in favor of good stewardship.”

Good forest stewardship means a great deal in Missouri, where oaks, hickories, pines, and other tree species carry valuable environmental and economic benefits. Stewardship assures that trees are harvested and managed in a way that will keep the state’s woods and forests healthy and productive for generations.

“Tony and Reese also maintain a professional line of communication, both with the sale administrator and the landowner,” Costephens added. “Their quick thinking helps to eliminate problems before they ever arise.”

The two were presented a framed certificate and new personal protective equipment (PPE), including chaps, gloves, and hard hats.

The Southeast Logger of the Year award recognizes loggers who practice low impact logging. These recipients take extra time and effort to demonstrate how sustainable timber harvests should be carried out.

With this regional recognition, the Hambys are also under consideration for the statewide logger of the year award. Criteria for these awards also includes safe work performance and use of equipment, the desire to address wildlife management concerns, and use of proper forest management techniques. The loggers must also be certified through the Professional Timber Harvester’s Training Program, sponsored by the Missouri Forest Products Association and MDC.

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