Celebrate 75 years of conservation with MDC and DU at Duck Creek

News from the region
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PUXICO, Mo. -- The public is invited to explore the wetlands at Duck Creek Conservation Area (CA) with the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) and Ducks Unlimited (DU) on Oct. 13 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The free event is a joint celebration of the 75-year anniversaries of both MDC and DU.

“Seventy-five years of success for both organizations is a great accomplishment for conservation in Missouri, and we’re pleased to celebrate it with Ducks Unlimited,” said MDC Wildlife Management Biologist Matt Bowyer. “This is more than an anniversary celebration, it’s a celebration of wildlife and wetlands that we’ve packed full of activities for both children and adults to enjoy and learn from.”

Visitors will be greeted at Duck Creek CA headquarters and directed to the Pool 3 campground for the day’s events. The program will begin at 9 a.m. with a short ceremony. There will be a series of stations and activities hosted by MDC, DU and U. S. Fish and Wildlife Services staff and volunteers. There will be hayrides through the newly renovated Unit A and through the timber at Pool 3. Presentations will include wetland management and the history of the Mingo Basin, along with demonstrations of working retriever dogs, cork-duck decoy construction, rocket netting, electrofishing and kids’ activities such as a wetland critter safari. It is recommended that children wear boots and prepare to have fun in the mud and wet areas.

Bowyer said these events are intended to help people discover nature and further conservation efforts in Missouri.

“As families explore the outdoors with us, they’ll make memories together of these experiences," Bowyer said. "Those memories are the foundation that grows future conservationists, and that’s what will project success for both MDC and DU for another 75 years,”

The Puxico Future Farmers of America (FFA) chapter will provide food, and accept donations.

Duck Creek CA is located nine miles north of Puxico on Highway 51. For more information about this event, call MDC’s Southeast Regional Office at (573) 290-5730.