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Conservation Action
August 2010
The Conservation Commission met Aug. 19 and 20 at Conservation Department Headquarters in Jefferson City. Commissioners present were:
Becky L. Plattner, Grand Pass, Chair
Don R. Johnson, Festus, Vice Chair
Don C. Bedell, Sikeston, Secretary
William F. “Chip” McGeehan, Marshfield, Member
The Commission approved the following 2010-2011 waterfowl seasons, contingent on final federal approval:
North Zone: Oct. 30 through Dec. 28
Middle Zone: Nov. 6 through Jan. 4
South Zone: Nov. 25 through Jan. 23
Shooting Hours: One-half hour before sunrise to sunset.
Bag Limit: Six ducks daily, with species restrictions of:
• 4 mallards (no more than 2 females)
• 3 wood ducks
• 2 scaup
• 2 redheads
• 2 hooded mergansers
• 2 pintails
• 1 canvasback
• 1 black duck
• 1 mottled duck
Possession Limit: Twice the daily bag (12 total; varies by species).
COOT SEASON: Concurrent with duck seasons in the respective zones, with a daily bag limit of 15 and a possession limit of 30.
• Blue, snow, and Ross’s geese: Oct. 30 through Jan. 31 statewide.
• White-fronted geese: Nov. 25 through Jan. 31 statewide.
• Canada geese and brant: Oct. 2 through 10 and Nov. 25 through Jan. 31 statewide.
Shooting Hours: One-half hour before sunrise to sunset.
Bag/Possession Limit:
• 3 Canada geese daily (6 in possession)
• 1 brant daily (2 in possession)
• 2 white-fronted geese daily (4 in possession)
• 20 blue, snow, or Ross’s geese daily (no possession limit)
YOUTH HUNTING DAYS: Any person 15 years or younger may participate in the youth waterfowl hunting days without permit, provided they are in the immediate presence of an adult 18 or older. If the youth hunter does not possess a hunter education certificate card, the adult must be properly licensed and have a valid hunter education certificate card unless he or she was born before Jan. 1, 1967. The adult may not hunt ducks but may participate in other seasons that are open (e.g., geese) on the special youth days. Youth hunting days are:
North Zone: Oct. 23 - 24
Middle Zone: Oct. 23 - 24
South Zone: Nov. 20 - 21
Bag Limit: Bag limits for ducks and geese are the same as during the regular waterfowl season (including three Canada geese daily and six in possession).
FALCONRY SEASON FOR DUCKS, COOTS AND MERGANSERS: Falconry hunting is open during the teal and regular firearms duck season, including the youth seasons in the respective zones. In addition to these periods, falconers may hunt during the extended falconry season Feb. 10 through March 10 statewide. The daily bag and possession limits shall not exceed three and six birds, respectively, during the regular duck hunting seasons (including teal and youth seasons) and extended falconry seasons.
LIGHT GOOSE CONSERVATION ORDER: Feb. 1 through April 30, 2011. Persons must possess a Conservation Order permit to chase, pursue, and take blue, snow, and Ross’s geese between the hours of one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset. Hunters 15 and younger are exempt from the permit requirement if they possess a valid hunter education certificate card or hunt in the immediate presence of a properly licensed hunter 18 or older who has in his possession a valid hunter education certificate card, or who was born before Jan. 1, 1967. Methods for taking blue, snow, and Ross’s geese during the Conservation Order include using shotguns capable of holding more than three shells, and with the use or aid of recorded or electrically amplified bird calls or sounds, or recorded or electrically amplified imitations of bird calls or sounds. There is no daily bag limit during the Conservation Order.
The Commission:
• Received the following staff presentations:
Design and Development Division Report from Design and Development Division Chief Jacob Careaga.
Fishers & Farmers Partnership from Fisheries Division Chief Chris Vitello.
Forest and Woodland Management on Lands Held in Public Trust from Forestry Division Chief Lisa Allen.
• Presented service awards to the following employees:
35 years
Paul Schulte, Jefferson City
30 years
Kathy Cooper, Windsor; Dale Cornelius, Lebanon; Timothy Grace, Columbia; Thomas Leifield, St. Charles; Timothy Pratt, Hermitage; Patti Redel, Eureka; Timothy Stanton, Nixa; Kevin Sullivan, Clinton; David Whitener, Ellington;.
25 years
Jerome Austin, Marshfield; Noella Biram, Licking; Francisco Campa, Poplar Bluff; Michael Christensen, Bowling Green; Kevin DeBrecht, Sullivan,James Kuenzle, Warrenton; Clinton Medlock, Salem; Sandy Payne, Russellville; Robert Scott, Sullivan; Thomas Skinner, Jacksonville; Michael Smith, Jefferson City; Thomas Strother, Columbia; Bryan Wollard, Hartville.
• Presented special awards to:
Private Land Conservationist Kyle Lairmore, Owensville, who received the Missouri State Employee Award of Distinction for Public Service.
Conservation Agent Kevin Eulinger, Hawk Point, who was named 2009/2010 Mississippi Flyway Waterfowl Enforcement Officer of the Year.
• Authorized staff to seek:
1) executive operating lump sum spending authority of $145,534,841 for fiscal year 2012;
2) capital improvement biennial spending authority of $44,000,000 for fiscal years 2012 and 2013;
3) reauthorization of the fiscal year 2011 federal stimulus and capital improvement appropriations; and
4) appropriations to other state agencies from the Conservation Commission Fund for fiscal year 2012 for related operational expenditures.
• Approved changing the employee retirement contribution rate to Missouri State Employees’ Retirement System (MOSERS) for employees hired after Jan. 1, 2011.
• Approved entering into a contract with Lappe Cement Finishing, Inc., Perryville, for the construction of Eminence City Park Access Development Project in Shannon County at a total estimated cost of $353,846.51.
• Approved the purchase of 171 acres in Jefferson County as an addition to LaBarque Creek Conservation Area.
• Approved the advertisement and sale of an estimated 846,000 board feet of timber on 241 acres of Compartment 4, Fourche Creek Conservation Area in Ripley County.
• Suspended hunting and/or fishing privileges of 11 people for Wildlife Code violations and affirmed actions taken by Missouri courts suspending privileges of three Missouri residents. Those whose privileges were suspended are:
Jared J. Bachman, Warrensburg, hunting privileges, until 6/1/11
Jeremy L. Broomhall, Memphis, all sport privileges, 7 years
Joshua S. Cook, Warrensburg , hunting privileges, until 6/1/11
Jonathan R. Hudson, Hannibal, all sport privileges, 1 year
Pascual F. Jaramillo, St. Joseph, all sport privileges, 1 year
Justin T. McDonald, Milan, all sport privileges, 1 year
Harold E. Miller, II, Quincy, Ill., commercial fishing, 1 year
Johnny R. Moore, Crane, all sport privileges, 1 year
James R. Ross, Warrensburg, hunting privileges, until 6/1/11
Sarah J. Sandusky, Dexter, all sport privileges, 1 year
Jonathan R. Sawyer, Walnut Grove, all sport privileges, 1 year
John M. Sweeny, Warsaw, all sport privileges, 2 years
Dustin R. Winder, Springfield, all sport privileges, 1 additional year
Ezekiel Young , Summit, Miss., all sport privileges, 1 year
• Approved the suspension or revocation of all hunting and fishing privileges of 209 people who are not in compliance with applicable child support laws.
• Suspended privileges of 57 people under the provisions of the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact.
• Imposed hunting privilege suspensions of six months to five years for four Missouri residents who injured or killed other persons in hunting incidents. The hunters must complete a hunter-education training course before restoration of privileges.
• Director Bob Ziehmer announced the Conservation Commission’s decision, in closed session, to appeal the recent Ripley County Circuit Court decision regarding the illegal activities of deer dogging and hunting from a motor vehicle.
• The Commission confirmed its next meeting for Oct. 14 and 15 in Kirksville.
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This document is provided for public information only and is not an official record of the Missouri Department of Conservation or Missouri Conservation Commission.