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Stay in touch with nature through award-winning stories and photography. Discover new adventures waiting for you, your friends, and family in Missouri's outdoors. We take you closer to nature each month with suggestions for family outings, animal profiles, and current research shaping our wildlife and habitat management.
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When does the magazine come out?
Missouri Conservationist is published monthly.
How is it free to Missouri residents?
Print subscriptions are free to Missourians – one per household – as a service by the Missouri Department of Conservation. This is largely funded through our one-eighth of 1 percent conservation sales tax. That means for every $8 spent on taxable items in Missouri, one penny goes to conservation.
Can I get the magazine mailed to me if I live outside of Missouri?
Absolutely! Out-of-state subscriptions are $13 per year, and out-of-country subscriptions are $19 per year. Contact our circulation office at ConservationistMagazine@mdc.mo.gov or call 573-522-4115, ext. 3856 or 3249 to find out more.
Can I get a teacher set for my classroom?
Yes! Please contact our circulation office at ConservationistMagazine@mdc.mo.gov or call 573-522-4115, ext. 3856 or 3249 to get set up with a bulk subscription.
When will I get my first issue?
We work approximately 60 days in advance, so after you sign up, please give about two months for your first issue to arrive.
How do I change my address?
Visit The Conservationist Magazine, email ConservationistMagazine@mdc.mo.gov, or call 573-522-4115, ext. 3856 or 3249. Notification of address change must include both old and new address. Changes may take up to 60 days, or about two issues, to take effect.
Is there a kids magazine, too?
Yes, Xplor magazine is written for kids age 7-12, and it is published six (6) times per year. For more information, please visit Xplor
More questions?
Email our circulation office at ConservationistMagazine@mdc.mo.gov, or call 573-522-4115, ext. 3856 or 3249.