Hi! I’m Phi, Xplor’s mail possum. I know a lot about nature. If you have a question, email me at
Q: Why do turkeys have big, puffy tails?
—From Penelope, age 7
A: Wild turkeys use their tails to get girlfriends. When a male turkey wants to show off, he droops his wings, puffs out his chest, fans out his tail, and struts around. It looks funny to us, but not to a female turkey. You see, turkey gals like guys who know how to shake their tail feathers. If she’s impressed by his appearance, she’ll choose him for her mate.
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No hammer? No nails? No problem.

Fuzzy, buzzy, hard-working, and helpful, bumblebees are the superstars of flower farming.
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This Issue's Staff
Photographer – Noppadol Paothong
Photographer – David Stonner
Designer – Marci Porter
Designer – Les Fortenberry
Art Director – Cliff White
Editor – Matt Seek
Subscriptions – Laura Scheuler
Magazine Manager – Stephanie Thurber
Photographer – David Stonner
Designer – Marci Porter
Designer – Les Fortenberry
Art Director – Cliff White
Editor – Matt Seek
Subscriptions – Laura Scheuler
Magazine Manager – Stephanie Thurber