Letters to the Editor
Submissions reflect readers’ opinions and may be edited for length and clarity. Email Magazine@mdc.mo.gov or write to us:
Missouri Conservationist
PO Box 180
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Beyond Photos
Your November issue was superb. Aside from the amazing photographs, I especially enjoyed the article Moles and Shrews [Page 18].
Randal Craft, Brooklyn, NY
Beyond Being There
Thank you so much for running the article on the MDC photographers [Beyond Being There, November, Page 11]. I’ve enjoyed the fruits of their labor for many years. It was a pleasure reading the commentary by each of them on some of their favorite photos. Gentlemen, your work is amazing.
Daniel Morton, St. Louis
I have been a reader of your fine publication for over 40 years, and I must say your November issue has attained a new level of excellence. It is simply the best I have ever read. Apart from the usual wonderful photos and useful hunting articles, there are very informative articles about lesser appreciated and seldom seen wildlife and an even greater acknowledgement of the photographers who make your publication so special.
Joel Alves, St. Louis
I was so happy to see the article in the November issue featuring photographers Noppadol Paothong and David Stonner. I’ve enjoyed their photos in your magazine for years. It’s about time we had a feature article on the two of them. Do it again.
Linda Hillemann, Ellsinore
I’m not terribly artistic, so I didn’t think I would be interested in Beyond Being There, but I was so wrong! I enjoyed it so much that I read it aloud to my husband and our little son. We had a lively conversation about each story, complete with our son acting out several of them.
Mary Hudson, Lee’s Summit
I thoroughly enjoyed the recent article about the photographers for MDC. Photography is an art form for Noppadol Paothong, and his pictures are easily identifiable, as he presents his subjects in an entirely different way for the viewer. Stunning! I also got reacquainted with some of my favorites by David Stonner. Fabulous! Just reading the background stories about finally getting those perfect shots makes me appreciate their talents and dedication to their craft even more. We are so fortunate to see our beautiful state through their lenses.
Janet Gremaud, via email
Thank you for the article highlighting the work of photographers David Stonner and Noppadol Paothong. It was their contributions to your magazine that attracted me to it. As a hobbyist photographer, I can appreciate the efforts required to produce such intriguing photos. I like that they share the lens and settings used to get the shot. Keep up the great work.
Curt Lewis, Battlefield
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This Issue's Staff
Stephanie Thurber
Angie Daly Morfeld
Larry Archer
Cliff White
Kristie Hilgedick
Joe Jerek
Dianne Van Dien
Shawn Carey
Marci Porter
Noppadol Paothong
David Stonner
Laura Scheuler