Letters to the Editor
Submissions reflect readers’ opinions and may be edited for length and clarity. Email Magazine@mdc.mo.gov or write to us:
Missouri Conservationist P.O. Box 180 Jefferson City, MO 65102
A Bright Spot
Thanks for such a great magazine. It’s very informative and is one of the highlights of my day when I get it.
Camen B. Rhoads via email
Enjoying the Journey
I thoroughly enjoy the Missouri Conservationist. The photos by David Stonner and Noppadol Paothong are terrific. I always enjoy and am enlightened by the articles. The article about Henry Rowe Schoolcraft [Schoolcraft: A Journey Through Southern Missouri, February] was particularly special for me — Henry Rowe Schoolcraft is my great, great, great grandpa.
Paul Usher via email
Special thanks for the article in the February 2019 issue of the Conservationist about Henry Schoolcraft’s exploration of the Ozarks. Since moving to the area in the early 1980s, I have been interested in his expedition. To think that it was frontier country only 100 years ago.
I am currently finishing a journal about my 30-year observations and illustrations of the wildflowers in my part of southwestern Missouri. Schoolcraft’s observations of the plant life were an inspiration to me. I hope my journal will not only be a joy to readers but also a benefit to the wildflowers themselves.
Ginny Campbell Branson West
I have read the Missouri Conservationist for over 60 years and always look forward to getting it in the mail. Noppadol Paothong is an excellent photographer. His shot of the bluebird on the cover of the December 2018 issue is great and it inspired me to write about my experiences raising bluebirds.
The first year, I put up seven handmade bird boxes on wooden fence posts, but a raccoon destroyed one of them and a cat got the birds out of another box. I still ended up fledging 26 birds. The next year, I decided to place the boxes on PVC pipes since cats, raccoons, and snakes cannot climb the slick surface. I put up 25 boxes and raised 90 babies. I now have a total of 75 bluebird houses and haven’t lost a single baby to predators since that first year. I have fledged 1,192 bluebirds to date. I check the boxes weekly (weather permitting) and record the results.
I also raise a lot of melons and catch a lot of fish from my boat. I am 80 and hope to continue these activities for several more years.
Jim Schmitz Maywood
Landowner Permits
I received a survey about landowner permits for deer hunting. I said everyone should have to pay. The money goes to the Conservation Department and the phenomenal job they do.
When the program was implemented, it was in hopes that landowners would manage their land to help increase the overall deer herd. Between that and the great work by MDC, the herd is very large and healthy. When I started hunting deer in the late 70s, if someone bagged a deer, it was a big deal. Doe tags were nearly nonexistent.
Fast forward to today. Today’s deer hunting is light-years different. The days of asking permission to hunt for the nonlandowner are over. Farmers, landowners, and many companies who lease properties have learned the value of deer hunting and are charging for the right to hunt. I totally support their right to make additional income on their property. I personally have leased land for 20 years and have been happy with the arrangement.
My point is if everyone is making money off deer hunting then MDC should be first in line. The price of a permit is small and the good MDC does is worth it. Go to Bennett Springs, Lake LaBelle, or Busch Wildlife. You will see money well spent.
Daniel G. Hruby Maryland Heights
Where do you want your cattle?
This side?
Or this side?
We can help.
Native grasses produce quality summer forage, are drought tolerant, and provide for wildlife. Contact your local Missouri Department of Conservation office for more information. mdc.mo.gov
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- 573-751-4115 | PO Box 180, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0180
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- Southeast/Cape Girardeau: 573-290-5730
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And More...
This Issue's Staff
Associate Editor - Larry Archer
Staff Writer - Bonnie Chasteen
Staff Writer - Heather Feeler
Staff Writer - Kristie Hilgedick
Staff Writer - Joe Jerek
Creative Director - Stephanie Thurber
Art Director - Cliff White
Designer - Les Fortenberry
Designer - Marci Porter
Photographer - Noppadol Paothong
Photographer - David Stonner
Circulation - Laura Scheuler