I Am Conservation

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From Missouri Conservationist: Jan 2015

Ramsey Shouman (left) and Rob Murray pause before conducting a controlled burn of native warm-season grasses on their portion of the Boonslick Wildlife Cooperative in Howard County. The cooperative “is a group of landowners and neighbors who have come together to try to communicate with each other, improve habitat, and manage wildlife,” said Murray. I Am Conservation 01-2015The Department of Conservation also offers support. Shouman said that the co-op, which was started in 2012, is composed of 11 different properties and comprises nearly 2,600 acres. “We watch out for each other’s property, and we are able to share both the failures and successes of the land and wildlife management projects.” Shouman said that a big goal of the cooperative is to improve wildlife management on a bigger scale than just an individual landowner’s property. “Our goal is to create an area that consistently produces better hunting, fishing, and outdoor opportunities,” said Shouman. “We also expect that having the surrounding properties involved in a co-op will increase property values and attract outdoor enthusiasts to purchase properties in the area.” Added safety is also a benefit, the men said, as the co-op allows for a neighborhood watch, of sorts, by prompting landowners to watch out for poachers and trespassers on their neighbors’ land. “We have always enjoyed hunting with friends on our own property, but now we also share in our neighbors’ successes and adventures,” said Murray. “Knowing our neighbors better and sharing experiences with them has enriched our own personal experiences.” —photograph by David Stonner

This Issue's Staff

Editor In Chief - Nichole LeClair Terrill
Art Director - Cliff White
Staff Writer/Editor - Bonnie Chasteen
Staff Writer - Jim Low
Photographer - Noppadol Paothong
Photographer - David Stonner
Designer - Stephanie Thurber
Circulation - Laura Scheuler