Search Results - Field Guide

Showing 51 - 53 of 53 results
Robber fly, genus Efferia, male, perched on a white-painted post
Species Types
Scientific Name
More than 1,000 species in North America
Robber flies are aerial predators of a variety of insects. They often perch in conspicuous locations and make short flights chasing prey.
Virginia flower fly resting on a concrete surface
Species Types
Scientific Name
Milesia virginiensis
The yellowjacket hover fly, or Virginia flower fly, is a completely harmless mimic of yellowjackets. No more dangerous than a housefly, it buzzes around and seems aggressive.
Photo of a female scorpionfly perched on a leaf.
Species Types
Scientific Name
Panorpa spp.
Male scorpionflies will make you look twice, because the abdomen is tipped with what looks like a scorpion stinger! These nifty insects cannot sting, however.