Important Information Before Scheduling Virtual Programs
Programs align with Missouri learning standards and the Missouri Department of Conservation’s Discover Nature Schools curriculum and grant program. Contact to schedule a virtual program. Questions? Call Steve Jacobsen at 816-759-7300 ext 1146 or email
Seeds to Trees (Grades K-2)
25-minute pre-recorded video followed by a live video call with a naturalist
From seed to sapling to shade, trees change through the seasons and the years. Through live outdoor visuals explore life stages and parts of a tree. Students will learn trees are a living thing providing much to the world. They will mimic the lifecycle through movement and create a tree through a guided project that can be expanded afterwards by adding real items found in the school yard or at home. Program concludes with a virtual chat with a naturalist and an animal ambassador that uses trees. Question & answer will be used to reinforce concepts taught in the program.
Missouri Learning Standards: K.PS1.A.1, K.LS1.C.1, K.ESS1.B.1, K.ESS2.E.1
No Place Like Missouri (Grades 3-5)
45 minute live virtual program with a naturalist
Our state is in a region known as the Midwest – the crossroads of the North American continent where forests of the east meet grasslands of the Great Plains. Three great rivers —the Mississippi, Missouri and Ohio meet to make the state’s borders and ancient mountains, lowland swamps, cold water springs, caves and rocky glades make up the state’s interior. Missouri can also be divided into landscape regions based on rocks, soils and topography. Students will explore the state by creating their own paper map of Missouri — complete with the landscape regions, associated ecosystems and plants and animals uniquely adapted to each area.
Missouri Learning Standards: 3.LS3.C.1, 3.LS3.D.1, 4.LS1.A.1
Owls Are a Hoot! (Grades 3-5) (Available to schedule in November)
45 minute live virtual program with a naturalist
Owls are without a doubt some of the most fascinating raptors in Missouri! This Naturalist led program will focus on the specialized structures and behavioral adaptations that make these regal birds a favorite to learn about. Whoooo knows, you too may learn to speak their language! It’ll be a hoot!
Missouri Learning Standards: 3.LS3.B.1, 3.LS3.C.1, 4.LS1.A.1
Hands-on experiences in nature can help Missouri's K-12 students become life-long conservationists. Get teacher training, instructional units and funding for equipment and field trips.
To launch a Discover Nature Schools program in your school or class, find your local conservation educator by visiting the MDC Teacher Portal.