Get out and enjoy nature while earning cool stickers that will lead to new discoveries and give you opportunities to help Missouri’s valuable resources in the process.
- Collect all 8 stickers by completing specific challenges.
- Submit challenge documentation.
- Images may also be sent to with the subject line Collector Stickers.
Feel free to call us at 816-759-7300 with any questions.
Take a hike and become a Trail Trekker!
Achieve stickers when you hike 5,10, 25 and 50 miles total. Take a selfie of you beside trail heads, smart watch stats or tracking apps to document your journey.
Are you a Fun-gi?
To achieve this sticker, find and attempt to identify a mushroom/fungus while in the great outdoors. Document your find by bringing your fungi in or submitting a selfie of you and your find along with your guess on its identification.
Branch Out
and discover all the ways native trees are working for us. Submit answers to the list of questions for this challenge to achieve this sticker. For other submission options see contact information above.
Are you hearing nature’s call for us to each do our part?
Achieve this sticker by safely picking up fishing line and other debris while out near bodies of water. Submit a before and after selfie picture of yourself disposing of it or bring collected fishing line and dispose of it in our designated receptacle.
Be Wild & Free.
Achieve this sticker by taking a picture with a shed antler you discovered in the woods OR Submit a pic of you with these seasonal native wildflowers: bluebells, prairie blazing star, pale purple coneflower, butterfly milkweed or any native aster.