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Xplor reconnects kids to nature and helps them find adventure in their own backyard. Free to residents of Missouri.
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KIRKSVILLE — For the first time, two conservation areas (CA) in Northeast Missouri will allow managed hunts for antlerless whitetail deer in 2013. The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) will supervise a managed hunt from Nov. 27 thru Dec. 8 on Atlanta CA and Union Ridge CA.
The managed hunt at Atlanta CA will allow 35 randomly drawn hunters the chance to harvest two antlerless deer. The managed hunt at Union Ridge CA will allow 50 randomly drawn hunters the chance to harvest two antlerless deer.
“Due to successful management, the areas now have a deer population level that can sustain a limited harvest of antlerless deer,” said MDC Wildlife Management Biologist Chad Smith. “Deer numbers are high on both areas so hunter success for the managed hunts is anticipated to be good.”
Smith stresses the addition of the managed hunts does not change the current regulation restricting the harvest of antlerless deer during the regular November firearms season.
“Regulations on these two areas do not allow harvesting antlerless deer with a firearm except during these managed hunts,” Smith said. “This is to help ensure a healthy deer herd remains on these public lands.”
Hunters can apply online for these managed deer hunts now through Aug. 15.
MDC holds an electronic drawing to determine who gets to participate in managed deer hunts at conservation areas, state parks, national wildlife refuges and urban parks. The hunts are open to Missouri residents and nonresidents, and help achieve MDC’s deer-management goals for the state while also providing additional hunting opportunities.
Types of hunts include archery, crossbow, muzzleloader, historic methods and modern firearms, plus youth hunts and hunts for people with disabilities.
Hunters may apply individually or as groups of up to six, except for youth hunts. Youths 11 years of age or older who are hunter education certified may apply singly or with one other youth for youth hunts and must be accompanied on the hunt by a qualified adult mentor.
Applicants will need a nine-digit Conservation ID number for each hunter to complete the application process. Conservation ID numbers are listed on all hunting and fishing permits, and on Missouri Conservation Heritage Cards.
MDC will post drawing results at the same website address from Sept. 14 to Dec. 31. Successful applicants will receive area maps and other information regarding their hunts by mail.
Resident or nonresident managed deer hunting permits are required to participate in managed hunts. These permits will be available to successful applicants after Sept. 14 from any permit vendor statewide, or through MDC’s e-Permits at mdc.mo.gov.
The Atlanta CA is located five miles north of Macon on Highway 63, and two miles west on Route AX, then 2.5 miles north on Jupiter Avenue.
Union Ridge CA is located off of Route D, two miles north of Greencastle.
For questions concerning either of these managed hunts contact Smith at 660-385-4920. For more information on MDC managed deer hunts, visit mdc.mo.gov/node/3867.