Twin Pines Conservation Center presents Nature at Night

News from the region
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WINONA, Mo. – The Missouri Department of Conservation’s (MDC) Twin Pines Conservation Education Center will host Nature Center at Night, Saturday, May 14, from 7 to 9 p.m. The event will focus on animals that are only active at night.

“While some animals are like us and are mostly active during the day, others, like flying squirrels, are active at night, meaning they’re nocturnal,” explained Skyler Bockman, manager of Twin Pines. “We’re going to talk about these animals that like the dark of night and then we’re going to go out on the trail and see if we can catch a glimpse of them.”

Bockman said nocturnal animals often have unique characteristics that help them navigate in the dark, like specialized eyes, exceptional hearing and camouflage that helps them blend in. Bockman said people will be surprised at how their own eyes will adapt to the dark. He said often there’s enough natural light to illuminate some of the nocturnal wildlife.

Other things to enjoy in nature at night include listening for chirps, rustles, owl hoots, squirrel barks, or falling leaves. Humidity is often higher at night, which means smells will be heightened.

“There’s a whole new perspective of nature to discover at night,” Bockman said.

For more information about this and other nature programs at Twin Pines, go online to  Twin Pines is located on Highway 60, five miles east of Winona. To register for Nature at Night, call the center at (573)325-1381.