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Xplor reconnects kids to nature and helps them find adventure in their own backyard. Free to residents of Missouri.
A monthly publication about conservation in Missouri. Started in 1938, the printed magazine is free to residents of Missouri.
KANSAS CITY MO -- Prairies and related grasslands offer a late-season hunting opportunity for bobwhite quail hunters willing to walk further and in different patterns than they did in the old days.
For decades, quail hunting mostly meant following pointing and retrieving dogs down a fence row or a brushy draws among crop fields. That was especially true as farmers finished the corn and soybean harvests, leaving fields mostly bare. Quail loafed under brushy cover between feeding times. Bird dogs and hunters still trace a path along fence rows because of past success, and the approach still works, sometimes.
But those habits are not as effective on Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) wildlife areas with prairies or native grass and wildflower restorations. The upside is management to boost prairie plants also helps birds such as bobwhite quail. They evolved on the state’s grasslands. Prairie management increases the potential for a conservation area to hold good-sized quail coveys. The birds also have the shelter they need from weather and predators. But the challenge for hunters is that rather than the quail-friendly cover being lined out down a fence row, the quail can use entire fields for feeding, resting and hiding, said MDC Wildlife Management Biologist Kyle Hedges.
“There are many places where you can miss birds when you’re hunting,” Hedges said, as he gazed out over the Stony Point Prairie Conservation Area, a 960-acre tract in Dade County that’s mostly native grasses and wildflowers, scattered plum thickets and a few brushy draws. “This is more the grassland model for wildlife rather than the crop field model.”
However, Hedges said, there will often be more quail per acre on a managed grassland system than in crop fields, but they can be harder to find.
“They’re just as likely to be out in the middle of a field or in a plum thicket as they are in a draw,” he said.
Missouri’s quail populations have declined in recent decades, although the MDC wildlife areas with prairie components have remained a stronghold for quail even in years when cold, wet weather has hurt nesting and brood-rearing success. This year, dry conditions during the last nesting season in late spring and early summer helped quail numbers in western Missouri where the majority of the state’s public prairies or native grassland restorations are located.
“Our covey numbers are down but the sizes of our coveys are bigger,” said Frank Loncarich, an MDC wildlife management biologist who manages areas with native grasses such as the Robert E. Talbot Conservation Area in Lawrence County.
Finding those quail is the challenge.
Hedges and Loncarich are also quail hunters. Their tips for hunting success on public wildlife areas managed for grassland plant and wildlife species:
“You walk by a lot of birds you never see,” Loncarich said.
Missouri’s quail hunting season is open through Jan. 15. Sometimes winter snows can reduce cover somewhat and make quail easier to find on prairies.
The MDC online Conservation Atlas at http://bit.ly/1h2XwO will let you search for conservation areas and review their wildlife habitat.
Enjoy the walk amid prairie scenery and observe the varying plants in autumn hue or a tiny creek tumbling over stone ledges. Just like a forest, a prairie opens up in winter and reveals interesting details. Only small remnants of Missouri’s once-vast prairies remain. The challenges posed by hunting quail on MDC-managed prairies are equaled by the rewards.