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Xplor reconnects kids to nature and helps them find adventure in their own backyard. Free to residents of Missouri.
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Background documents related to the open agenda items are available for public viewing at Conservation Department Headquarters, Jefferson City, for eight calendar days prior to the meeting. Any person who would like to comment to the Commission about a specific agenda item must make a written request to the Director at least four calendar days prior to the meeting. The time period allotted for public comment and the number of speakers will be at the Commission’s discretion. Recording the open meeting is permissible, pursuant to any guidelines established by the Commission to minimize disruption to the meeting. Individuals wishing to record the open meeting by audiotape, videotape, or other electronic means should notify the Director at least four calendar days prior to the meeting so accommodations for such recording can be made.
Thursday, October 16, 2014 1:30 p.m. Runge Conservation Nature Center 330 Commerce Drive Jefferson City, MO 65109
Friday, October 17, 2014 8:30 a.m. Conservation Department Headquarters 2901 West Truman Boulevard Jefferson City, MO 65109
1. Call to order,James T. Blair, IV, Chair.
2. Action Item: Approval of minutes of previous open meeting.
3. Staff Presentation: Overview of final recommendations for changes to the Wildlife Code pertaining to captive cervid facilities. Larry Yamnitz, Protection Division Chief, and Mike Hubbard, Resource Science Division Chief. Introduction by Tom Draper, Deputy Director and Chairman, Regulations Committee. 4. Action Item: Final recommendations for changes to the Wildlife Code pertaining to captive cervid facilities. Tom Draper, Deputy Director and Chairman, Regulations Committee.
5. Discover Nature Schools. Claudine Lamb, Outreach and Education Regional Supervisor, Kansas City. Introduction by Mike Huffman, Outreach and Education Division Chief.Staff
6. Current Financial Summary. Margie Mueller, Chief Financial Officer.
7. Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Guidance/Priorities. David Thorne, Policy Supervisor.
8. Major Construction Projects Completed and Status of Major Capital Improvements-Information Technology Projects Funded in Fiscal Year 2015 Budget. Jacob Careaga, Design and Development Division Chief.
9. Action Item: Recommendation for approval to amend an agreement for professional engineering services for the design and construction overview of the new Grand River Pump Station, Fountain Grove Conservation Area, Livingston County. Presentation by Jennifer Battson Warren, Wildlife Division Chief. Action Item by Jacob Careaga, Design and Development Division Chief.
10. The Mississippi River Basin: A River Divided or Migratory Swimway? Sara Tripp, Resource Scientist. Introduction by Mike Hubbard, Resource Science Division Chief.
11. Stategic Guidance for Healthy Forests, Fish, and Wildlife. Dennis Figg, Wildlife Programs Supervisor. Introduction by Tom Draper, Deputy Director.
Tim Ripperger, Deputy Director and Chairman, Regulations Committee.
12. Action Item: Recommendation for approval to exchange a 90-acre tract of Clubb Creek Conservation Area in Bollinger County for an 85.9-acre tract in Wayne County as an addition to Coldwater Conservation Area.
13. Action Item: Recommendation for approval to sell approximately 1.64 acres of Little Black Conservation Area in Ripley County.
14. Action Item: Recommendation for approval to sell approximately five acres of Hollister Towersite in Taney County.
Tom Neubauer, Human Resources Division Chief. 15. Presentation: Personal Services Trends.
16. Action Item: Recommendation for approval of personnel reclassifications.
17. Quarterly Report of Personnel Changes.
18. Conservation Employees’ Benefits Plan Update.
19. Action Item: Recommendation for approval to suspend or revoke one or more hunting, fishing, or trapping privileges of individuals for cause. Lisa Wehmeyer, Internal Auditor.
20. Action Item: Recommendation for approval to suspend or revoke all hunting and fishing privileges of individuals who are not in compliance with applicable child support laws. Lisa Wehmeyer, Internal Auditor.
21. Action Item: Recommendation for approval to suspend or revoke one or more hunting, fishing, and trapping privileges of individuals in accordance with the terms of the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact. Lisa Wehmeyer, Internal Auditor.
22. Action Item: Recommendation for approval to suspend or revoke hunting privileges of individuals who inflicted injury to another person while hunting. Lisa Wehmeyer, Internal Auditor.
23. Closing comments and announcement of actions taken in executive session, if any. Robert Ziehmer, Director.
24. Other matters of interest.
25. Announcement of the next regular meeting on December 11-12, 2014.
26. Adjourn.