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MDC offers pond management workshop June 25 at Powell Gardens
Kansas City, Mo. – Ponds can be made more enjoyable for fishing and wildlife watching with thoughtful management practices. The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) will host a pond management workshop from 10 to 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 25, at Powell Gardens. The scenic gardens are east of Kansas City and west of Warrensburg off U.S. 50 in Johnson County.
Trish Yasger, MDC fisheries management biologist, will provide information on managing fish populations and aquatic vegetation in ponds. Controlling nuisance aquatic plants will be among the topics covered. Pond owners can ask questions and get specific information about dealing with problems at their pond. Participants are also asked to bring plant samples or photographs of any plants causing problems in their pond. Biologists can identify the plants and recommend options for control. Participants will also learn about aquatic plant identification.
Some native aquatic plants are beneficial. But ponds can also become infested with nonnative, invasive plant species that can harm fishing and aesthetics. Solutions are available.
The MDC workshop is free. But Powell Gardens does have a $10 admission fee. Participants are encouraged to tour the garden’s rich floral displays and scenic ponds before and after the workshop.
Registration is required. To register, visit the Powell Gardens webpage at https://short.mdc.mo.gov/455.
For MDC’s online information about pond management, visit https://short.mdc.mo.gov/ZNa.