Learn about benefits of prescribed fire at MDC online course and field day

News from the region
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MARSHFIELD, Mo. – When used in controlled, supervised conditions, fire can be a beneficial land management tool. However, it’s important to stress that prescribed fire involves planning and on-site management.

People interested in learning how to use fire as a management tool should register for a two-part controlled burn workshop being put on by the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC). The field day portion of the workshop will be Oct.12, but in order to take part in that, program participants must first complete the online portion of the class. People can find the online training portion at:


The online portion can be completed in two-to-four hours and is a mandatory prerequisite to the field day. Upon completing the online portion of the event, people will receive a certificate of completion which they must bring to the Oct. 12 demonstration burn. Participating in this mandatory online course requires a $25 fee that goes to a third-party host.

The demonstration burn on Oct. 12 will be from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. on privately-owned property in Webster County. People can register for this part of the program at:


During the field portion of this workshop, people will get hands-on experience on how to execute a prescribed burn for grassland management. Topics that will be covered by MDC Private Land Conservationist Ethan Kleekamp include equipment, burn line installation, safe weather parameters, ignition operations, and other aspects needed to conduct a safe and successful prescribed burn. Appropriate dress for the burn will be leather boots, leather gloves, cotton pants, cotton long-sleeve shirt, and safety glasses.

To get more information about this event or directions to the event, contact Kleekamp at Ethan.Kleekamp@mdc.mo.gov.