Landowners invited to forest and wildlife workshop April 16

News from the region
Saint Louis
Published Date

JEFFERSON CITY Mo – Area landowners are invited to attend a Private Landowner Forest & Wildlife Workshop from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, April 16, at the Bill and Margie Haag property on Hwy 94 between Portland and Bluffton. The workshop is being sponsored by the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) and the Missouri Grouse Chapter of the Quail and Upland Wildlife Federation.

Landowners will learn about timber management practices to improve wildlife and forests on private lands, quail management using native plants, and cost-share opportunities.

The event will feature tours to identify trees and learn about timber-harvest and timber-stand improvement, woody edge enhancement, glade management and wildlife management for grouse, deer, turkey, small game, quail and songbirds. Lunch will be provided by the Missouri Grouse Chapter, followed by a prescribed burn demonstration, weather permitting. Attendees will also be entered into a raffle for several prizes.

Registration is required by April 14. To register or for more information, contact MDC Private Lands Conservationist Jamie Barton at 573-564-3715, x3.