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Xplor reconnects kids to nature and helps them find adventure in their own backyard. Free to residents of Missouri.
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SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) agents Keith Wollard and Tyler Green are bringing veteran experience to new job assignments.
On Oct. 1, Wollard will begin his new job as conservation agent for Polk County. He will work alongside fellow Polk County Conservation Agent Susan Swem. Wollard replaces longtime Polk County agent Brian Boyd, who retired earlier this year.
Also on Oct. 1, Green will begin his new duties as conservation agent in Cedar County. He will share duties with fellow Cedar County Conservation Agent Derek Farwell. Green replaces Joshua Shadwick, who resigned earlier this year to pursue further academic studies at the University of Arkansas.
They may be new to their counties, but neither Wollard nor Green are new to the job of enforcing Missouri's fish and wildlife regulations. Wollard has been Wright County's conservation agent for 30 years. In those three decades, Wollard's commitment to conservation has gone far beyond catching game law violators. He has worked with private citizens and other agencies on conservation programs to improve habitat for turkey, quail and other game species in Wright County. He is also a founding member of the Mountain Grove National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) chapter. Earlier this year, Wollard was named the NWTF's Wildlife Officer of the Year at the organization's national convention in Nashville, TN.
Prior to coming to Cedar County, Green was a conservation agent for three years and a volunteer in MDC's Protection Division for eight additional years. His most recent assignment was conservation agent in Knox County. Green said his new assignment is bringing him back to the part of the state he's most familiar with.
"I feel as if I'm coming home when I come to southwest Missouri," said the Webb City native. "This is where I grew up and learned to love Missouri's abundant natural resources. I'm excited to work with the citizens and I look forward to serving alongside our excellent MDC staff."
Green is a 2004 graduate of Webb City High School and a 2008 graduate of Missouri Southern State University.
Both agents will work out of their homes. Beginning Oct. 1, Wollard can be reached at (417) 777-1035 and Green can be reached at (417) 327-5378. Individuals are reminded that game law violations can also be reported to the Operation Game Thief Hotline at 1-800-392-1111.