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Xplor reconnects kids to nature and helps them find adventure in their own backyard. Free to residents of Missouri.
A monthly publication about conservation in Missouri. Started in 1938, the printed magazine is free to residents of Missouri.
Conservation Action
April 2011
The Conservation Commission met April 14 and 15 at Conservation Department Headquarters in Jefferson City. Commissioners present were:
Becky L. Plattner, Grand Pass, Chair
Don R. Johnson, Festus, Vice Chair
Don C. Bedell, Sikeston, Secretary
William F. “Chip” McGeehan, Marshfield, Member
The Commission:
• Received presentations from:
Scott Manley, Director of Conservation Programs, Ducks Unlimited, Southern Region, recognizing MDC for contributions to development of waterfowl breeding habitat in Canada.
Wildlife Division Chief DeeCee Darrow regarding Golden Anniversary Wetlands Initiative.
Fisheries Division Chief Chris Vitello regarding MDC’s cold-water hatcheries.
Resource Scientist Jeff Beringer regarding black bears in Missouri.
The Missouri Farm Bureau regarding elk.
• Approved recommendations to:
Convey approximately 0.32 acre of Vera Cruz Access in Douglas County to Douglas County for a bridge replacement over Bryant Creek and road realignment, and grant Douglas County a temporary easement on an additional 0.16 acre until construction of the project is complete.
Convey approximately 0.43 acre of Baptist Camp Access in Texas County to Texas County for a road realignment in conjunction with a bridge replacement over the Big Piney River, and grant Texas County a temporary easement on an additional 0.32 acre until construction of the project is complete.
Purchase 0.97 acre of land from the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission as an addition to White Ranch Conservation Area in Howell County.
• Suspended hunting, fishing, trapping and/or commercial privileges of 15 Missouri residents for Wildlife Code violations and affirmed actions taken by Missouri courts suspending privileges of 6 Missouri residents. Those whose privileges were suspended are:
William S. Arras, St. Charles, hunting, 1 year
Franklin Banks, Fenton, commercial fishing, 6 months
Cody G. Barnes, Summersville, all sport privileges, 1 year
David D. Bennett, Marceline, hunting, until 1/25/12
Ryan L. Clarke, Long Lane, all sport privileges, 1 year
Harlan Dugger II, Hartville, all sport privileges, 7 years
Michael E. Handley, Rockville, all sport privileges, 1 year
Christian Jordan Henderson, Louisburg, all sport privileges, 6 years
David G. Holstein, Jr., St. Louis, all sport privileges, 3 months
Jake E. Knapp, Craig, hunting, until 1/25/15
Mitchell Longcor, Craig, hunting, until 1/25/15
Todd M. Maldonado, Higbee, hunting and trapping, 1 year
Bobby J. Maxwell, Doniphan, all sport privileges, 1 year
William T. McBride, Mountain View, all sport privileges, 3 years
Jason D. Remster, Bunker, all sport privileges, 1 year
Darin M. Rollison, New Cambria, hunting, until 2/15/12
Kylynn S. Sisk, Forest City, hunting, until 1/25/13
Darrell L. Stone, Union, all sport privileges, 1 year
David Swearingin, Carrolton, hunting, until 12/01/11
Paul D. Thompson, Winona, all sport privileges, 1 year
Thomas K. Walker, Chesterfield, all sport privileges, 6 months
• Suspended privileges of 275 nonresidents and 3 residents under the provisions of the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact.
• Imposed hunting privilege suspensions of 6 months to 3 years for three Missouri residents who injured other persons in hunting incidents. The hunters must complete a hunter-education training course before restoration of privileges.
• Approved the suspension or revocation of all hunting and fishing privileges of 305 people who are not in compliance with applicable child support laws.
• Confirmed the next regular Conservation Commission meeting for May 26 and 27.
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This document is provided for public information only and is not an official record of the Missouri Department of Conservation or Missouri Conservation Commission.