The Discovery Center is hosting both virtual and in-person summer programs.
To schedule a program, please email The Discovery Center will begin booking summer programs on Thursday, April 1 for programs Tuesday – Thursday, June 8 – August 5.
Please note when scheduling if you will be sending the virtual link to us or if you want the Discovery Center to send the link.
Slithering Snakes – Virtual
(ages 5+)
30 minute live virtual program with a naturalist
Snakes have elicited more misunderstanding and apprehension than almost any other group of animals. Once you learn some interesting facts about snakes you will discover most of them are harmless and beneficial. Join us as we explore several different snakes living in the prairies, ponds, swamps and forests of Missouri. You will also have an opportunity to meet the snake ambassadors living at the Discovery Center!
Owls Are a Hoot! – Virtual
(ages 5+)
30 minute live virtual program with a naturalist
Owls are without a doubt some of the most fascinating raptors in Missouri! This Naturalist led program will focus on the specialized structures and behavioral adaptations that make these regal birds a favorite to learn about. Whoooo knows, you too may learn to speak their language! It’ll be a hoot!
Programs are designed for Missouri groups. Each program length and class size are listed in the description. All programs include ample time outdoors, so please help children prepare accordingly with appropriate clothing, sunscreen and insect repellant as needed.
Living Proof!
(ages 5+)
Did you know your backyard is alive? Every day plants and animals make their home in backyards just like yours. Come explore the many living things that call the Discovery Center home. You will have the opportunity to see reptiles and amphibians up close, explore our big backyard and experience the joy of getting your hands in the soil. (8 - 25 youth, 1 ½ hours)