Carolina Grasshopper

image of a Carolina Grasshopper
Scientific Name
Dissosteira carolina
Acrididae (short-horned grasshoppers) in the order Orthoptera (grasshoppers, katydids, crickets)

The Carolina grasshopper is a banded-winged grasshopper, one of the subdivisions of the short-horned grasshopper family. Like most other band-winged grasshoppers, it has strongly marked hindwings, and it might be mistaken for a butterfly. The Carolina grasshopper's outspread pale-yellow-bordered, black hindwings look like a mourning cloak butterfly.

It is frequently seen in dusty, open habitats like dirt roads and vacant lots.

Like other banded-winged grasshoppers, it often makes a crackling, buzzing, or ticking sound as it flies, and the pronotum (shieldlike structure between head and wings) is keeled lengthwise (ridged like a rooftop), and its hind edge is strongly triangular, pointed toward the tail. There is no "spur" on the "throat" (as in the spur-throated grasshoppers). The face is fairly vertical (not very slanted).

Learn more about this and other short-horned grasshoppers on their group page.

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