
FIPS code
Displaying 21 - 30 of 37

Lincoln Hills

Points of Interest:

  • See a bit of the Ozarks in north Missouri with caves, sinkholes, and springs.
  • A great place to see and hear upland birds year round.
  • View woodlands and prairies as the early settlers would have seen them.
  • One of the few places in Missouri to support the rare running buffalo clover.

Natural History:

While located north of the Missouri River, the topography and life of this area are distinctly Ozark-like in character.

Prairie Slough

Points of Interest:

  • Explore a wild bottomland forest remnant with many sloughs.
  • Hunt for wood ducks and other waterfowl in the sloughs.
  • Look for a wide variety of migratory warblers in the spring.

Natural Features Description:

Prairie Slough, from which the area takes its name, was a chute of the Mississippi River at the turn of the century. The majority of the area was on the east side of the chute and was an island.