Busch Shooting Range holds FREE Learn to Shoot event June 29

News from the region
Saint Louis
Published Date

DEFIANCE, Mo.—If you’ve ever had an interest in trying out a shooting sport, a special free event hosted by the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) next week offers the perfect opportunity.

MDC’s August A. Busch Shooting Range and Outdoor Education Center in Defiance will hold a Learn to Shoot Open House event Tuesday, June 29 from 4-7 p.m.  This will be a free event open to ages 9 and up.  MDC will supply all firearms, targets, safety equipment, and ammunition needed.

“Come join us anytime during the event and learn the basics of a wide variety of shooting disciplines from qualified MDC instructors,” said MDC Outdoor Education Center Manger Bryant Hertel.  

The open house format will offer shooters flexibility in attending.  Available instruction at four different shooting stations will include .22 caliber rifles, .22 handguns, shotguns, archery, and atlatl.  Each participant will start in the classroom where they will sign in and receive a brief safety orientation. They will then receive a card to take to each shooting station.  Shooters will get their cards punched at a station upon completing its shooting activity.

No previous shooting experience or registration is required, Hertel added.  He also stressed that offering beginning shooters a chance to shoot and learn how to shoot safely are the most important aspects of the event. 

MDC asks all participants to observe current local social distancing and masking guidelines.  Bringing and wearing face coverings is encouraged when appropriate. 

The Busch Shooting Range is located at 3550 Route D in Defiance, approximately five miles west of Highway 94. 

MDC offers many free educational events and programs in the St. Louis region to help people discover nature, fishing, hunting, and the outdoors.  Stay informed by going to the MDC St. Louis regional events page at https://short.mdc.mo.gov/ZP6.