Field Guide

Butterflies and Moths

Showing 21 - 30 of 35 results
Photo of a pearl crescent
Species Types
Scientific Name
Phyciodes tharos
Don't let the pearl crescent’s dainty size keep you from admiring its intricate beauty.
image of a Checkered White, Twigs
Species Types
Scientific Name
Pontia protodice
The checkered white is named for the charcoal-colored patterns on the white wings of adults. As with the closely related cabbage white, the larvae feed on plants in the mustard family.
Photo of a Delaware Skipper
Species Types
Scientific Name
Anatrytone logan
The undersides of the Delaware skipper's wings are solid orange. It's found statewide in a variety of habitats.
image of a Fiery Skipper, Wings Spread
Species Types
Scientific Name
Hylephila phyleus
Fiery skippers have plain orange undersides scattered with a sprinkling of small dark spots. Males have flame-shaped orange patches on the hindwing upper surface.
Photo of a Peck's Skipper
Species Types
Scientific Name
Polites peckius
Peck’s skipper is found in Missouri’s fields, lawns, and other open habitats from May through October. Identify it by the one yellow hindwing rectangle that is wider than the others.
image of a Sachem, Wings Folded
Species Types
Scientific Name
Atalopedes campestris
Found statewide in grassy, open places, the sachem gets its name from the boldness of the males, which approach and chase away intruders — even people!
image of a Tawny-Edged Skipper, Wings Spread
Species Types
Scientific Name
Polites themistocles
Wide-ranging and common, the tawny-edged skipper can be seen May through October in a variety of grassy, open habitats.
Photo of a Common Checkered Skipper
Species Types
Scientific Name
Pyrgus communis
The white and black checkered pattern makes this a simple identification. The common checkered skipper is the only checkered skipper in Missouri.
Bronze copper butterfly perched on a grass blade, wings closed
Species Types
Scientific Name
Lycaena hyllus (syn. Hyllolycaena hyllus; Lycaena thoe)
The bronze copper occurs in localized colonies in throughout northern and western Missouri. Look for it May through October in wet, open, grassy areas.
Photo of an Eastern Tailed-Blue
Species Types
Scientific Name
Cupido comyntas
You can find the eastern tailed-blue in Missouri in prairies, fields, vacant lots, and yards — virtually any open, sunny place.
See Also
image of Caddisfly on leaf
Species Types
Scientific Name
About 1,500 species in North America north of Mexico
Adult caddisflies are mothlike. Their larvae are aquatic and build portable, protective cases out of local materials, including grains of sand, bits of leaves and twigs, and other debris.
Photo of eastern dobsonfly
Species Types
Scientific Name
Corydalus cornutus
Adult eastern dobsonflies are huge and mothlike, with large wings and a weak, fluttery flight. The fiercely predaceous aquatic larvae, called hellgrammites, are well-known to anglers, who often use them as bait.

About Butterflies and Moths in Missouri

Butterflies, skippers, and moths belong to an insect order called the Lepidoptera — the "scale-winged" insects. These living jewels have tiny, overlapping scales that cover their wings like shingles. The scales, whether muted or colorful, seem dusty if they rub off on your fingers. Many butterflies and moths are associated with particular types of food plants, which their caterpillars must eat in order to survive.