Search Results - Field Guide

Showing 21 - 30 of 87 results
filmy dome spider
Species Types
Scientific Name
Neriene radiata (formerly Prolinyphia marginata)
The filmy dome spider is one of the most abundant woodland spiders in Missouri. Although the spider is tiny, its snare web, which looks like an upside-down silk bowl, is conspicuous throughout the year.
Photo of a swift crab spider, female, from above.
Species Types
Scientific Name
Mecaphesa spp. and Misumessus spp.
Foliage flower spiders are two genera of crab spiders. They are generally smaller than other crab spiders, and their carapaces, abdomens, and legs are spiny.
Photo of a northern crab spider
Species Types
Scientific Name
Mecaphesa asperata
The northern crab spider has many spiny hairs covering the top surfaces of the carapace, abdomen, and legs, and it has usually has greenish-yellow or yellow-brown markings.
Photo of wolf spider with young
Species Types
Scientific Name
Rabidosa rabida
The rabid wolf spider, despite its scary name, is harmless to people and is absolutely not rabid. It commonly hides in leaf litter and sometimes gets into houses.
Image of a speckled wolf spider
Species Types
Scientific Name
Tigrosa aspersa
A speckled wolf spider usually seems larger than it actually is. It's one of Missouri's more common species of wolf spiders. Mothers have remarkable maternal instincts and are often seen carrying their young around on their abdomen.
Striped fishing spider resting on the edge of the Bourbeuse River, Tea Access, Gasconade County
Species Types
Scientific Name
Dolomedes scriptus
The striped fishing spider feels vibrations on the water surface to detect the movements of prey, then skates across the water to grab and subdue it. Like most other fishing spiders, it can also go underwater to capture small fish and other small aquatic animals.
Photo of a swift crab spider, female, from above.
Species Types
Scientific Name
Mecaphesa celer (formerly Misumenops celer)
The swift crab spider has many spiny hairs covering the top of its body and legs, and it often has a light pinkish-tan cast.
Blue-black spider wasp resting on senna foliage
Species Types
Scientific Name
Anoplius spp.
There are nearly 50 North American species of blue-black spider wasps. Many in this genus are entirely black, with a bluish sheen, while many others have an orange marking on the abdomen.
Photo of a triangle orbweaver, or arrowhead spider
Species Types
Scientific Name
Verrucosa arenata
In late summer and fall, woodland hikers can count on walking into the arrowhead spider's web. These webs are delicate circles that help the spider snare tiny flying insects.
Closeup of brown recluse spider on floor.
Species Types
Scientific Name
Loxosceles reclusa
The brown recluse is a spider whose venomous bite may be medically significant to humans, though a bite is almost never fatal. Brown recluses are most commonly encountered in houses, where they occupy little-used drawers, closets, and other small hiding spaces.