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Whitebanded fishing spider resting on a mossy tree trunk, legs outstretched
Species Types
Scientific Name
Dolomedes albineus
Whitebanded fishing spiders are often seen on tree trunks, walls, or other vertical surfaces, sometimes far from water. The coloration and markings can vary, but many individuals have an olive-green cast that helps them blend in with mosses and lichens. Note the bristly legs.
Photo of a tan jumping spider
Species Types
Scientific Name
Platycriptus undatus
The tan jumping spider usually lives on tree trunks. Its gray, tan, and brown coloration camouflages it against tree bark. There is usually an undulating pattern on the abdomen.
Photo of wolf spider with young
Species Types
Scientific Name
Nearly 250 species in North America north of Mexico
A wolf spider doesn't spin webs to catch its prey — it runs it down like a wolf! Spiders in this family have long legs and are usually gray, brown, black, or tan with dark brown or black body markings (especially stripes).