MDC: Get involved in spring cleanup events in Cape Girardeau

News from the region
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CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. – Imagine walking along the riverfront with friends, enjoying the view of the mighty Mississippi on a summer evening, when suddenly there’s trash in the middle of an otherwise inspiring view. Nothing spoils the serenity of nature like litter. The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) says it’s time for some spring cleaning and volunteers are needed to help in the cleanup. MDC has two events scheduled for April to ensure the area’s waterways are in tiptop shape for summer.

“Our waterways are vital to the beauty and functionality of our community,” said Sara Turner, manager of the MDC’s Cape Girardeau Conservation Nature Center. “If we want to continue to enjoy the natural beauty of the Mississippi River and Cape LaCroix Creek, we’ve got to continue to take care of them.”

A Riverfront Clean-Up is set for Saturday, April 9, from 9 to 11 a.m. Naturalists, biologists and volunteers at this event will tackle trash along the riverfront in downtown Cape Girardeau, at Cape Rock and at Red Star Access. The group will pick up trash on foot alongside the river and also by boat.

Bashin’ Trash: Cape LaCroix Creek is scheduled for Saturday, April 23, from 9 a.m. to noon. For this event, the Cape Girardeau Conservation Nature Center partners with the Cape Girardeau Parks and Recreation Department to clean up Cape LaCroix Creek during the city’s annual Park Day. The group will meet at the 4-H shelter in Arena Park to divide and conquer the day’s trash task between Walden Park and the Shawnee Sports Complex. Lunch and t-shirts will be provided at the end of the event.

Turner said folks should register with the Nature Center at (573)290-5218 to volunteer for either or both events. Registration is open for both events.

For a full schedule of nature programs at the Cape Girardeau Conservation Nature Center go online to